Exploring and celebrating your body, connecting with like-minded women, and discovering the full range of your sexuality.
Hi, I’m Lakota!
My Bodysex mission is to create a safe and supportive space for women to explore and embrace their sexuality. I believe that every woman has the right to love and appreciate their own body, and I aim to help women celebrate their sexual organs, along with all of the functions of their sexual organs from orgasm, menstruation, and everything in between through education, community, and Bodysex practices.

What is Bodysex?
Bodysex® is a practice of rituals developed by Betty Dodson to help women reconnect to their bodies, heal shame and reclaim their sexuality. Through the processes of genital show and tell, vulva massage and erotic recess, women learn to heal from shame, connect to their pleasure and create a self love practice. Bodysex® workshops support women in learning about their full sexual anatomy, and learn what works sexually for their body and mind.
There isn’t a single culture in the world that supports the development of female sexuality.

The clitoris is a an organ capable of endless pleasure that never ages.

Women have the same amount of erectile tissue as men.

Why Bodysex?
Both sexual education and pornography fail to teach women about accessing their pleasure. Huge gaps in sexual education information means a large portion of society believes myths about female anatomy and female sexual pleasure. Disconnection from body and pleasure are often the result when we don’t see our experience modeled in real life and media.
Masturbation is the foundation of human sexuality, it’s our first natural sexual activity, they way we discover our sex organ and the pleasurable feelings when we touch them. When a woman sees herself she can understand her sex organ, and when she is educated with facts about her anatomy she develops a larger capacity for pleasure in all areas of herself.
Viewing your vulva is the first step to becoming a fully orgasmic woman. -Betty Dodson
Want an inside look of a Bodysex workshop?
Betty Dodson’s
Bodysex Workshop
Documentary Screening &
Join me for my next Bodysex® Documentary screening via Zoom
Dates coming soon!
Adult (18+) women and/or vulva havers only please
No charge! Register here!
Ready to take a workshop?
Bodysex Workshop with Lakota
in-person near Lansing, MI
Upcoming Dates to Be Decided
Sign up for waitlist below
Tuition: $500
includes everything needed
5 places left
$150 deposit reserves your spot
Questions? Contact Lakota: Bodysexmichigan@gmail.com
My Recent Blog Posts
Womanhood in a Broken System
When I was 17 I decided I was ready to have penetrative sex with my then boyfriend. I went to planned parenthood with my mom and they put me on the pill. I gave it a good try for a few months and...
The fullness of motherhood and the need for choice
I have three amazing beautiful little kids aged 13, 10, and 6. Often times when I’m out alone with the kids or with my husband most people passing by make comments like “phew I bet you’re busy”, or...
A Letter To Me From Me
Dear Lakota, thank you; I deeply appreciate all the unending and sometimes painful work you have been doing to heal your sexuality. Not everyone else sees the steps you’ve taken or knows the...
Bodysex In the Media
Betty Dodson® and Bodysex® are featured in the
Netflix series GoopLab, season 1, episode 3 “The Pleasure is Ours”
Carlin Ross and Betty Dodson made Youtbe videos for over a decade